Do you belong to a book club? I LOVE book clubs, and as it so happens, Ellipsis is perfect book club material!

If your club chooses Ellipsis as it’s next read, I’d love to join you via zoom or your favorite online format to answer club members’ questions and talk BOOK! Open spots are limited and at this time I’m only booking for the months of February, March and April, so email me at to check for availability. One free offer per club.

If your book club has 40 active members or more, I’d love to send you a FREE kindle copy of Ellipsis to check out. This is a launch month (February) special, put in your request now even if this won’t be your club’s February read. Your club isn’t obligated to select it, but if they do and if it’s read in February, March or April then I’d love to join you! This offer is limited to the first 10 requests.

Wondering what Ellipsis is about?

Smart, determined and beautiful; college student and art model Nell seemed to be the girl who had it all. When she finds herself engaged in a passionate relationship with one of the art students, the future seems only brighter. Unplanned pregnancy will change everything though, and she has to find a way to build a very different life than she envisioned. For thirteen years she and her son Charlie are a unit and her world is complete. That world will stop spinning though, when there’s a shooting at Charlie’s school. As she reaches out via text in desperation, only the words and the animated ellipsis on the phone screen offer a buffer between life and death. Can she save the person on the other end of the messages in time, and in the process can she save herself too?

Ellipsis can be found on Amazon and other online book retailers. It can also be ordered through your local bookstore (Yay! Go local if you can!) Just let them know you want Ellipsis by Kristy McGinnis- ISBN 1736536702

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